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What is Quartz and How It Can Help Us Heal
(This information is property of the Kardem Institute at Quantum Integrative Medicine)

Quartz is a mineral that emits radiation of low frequency energy that make up our planet by 75%, unlike the others, this mineral always has the same intensity, speed and length, therefore the frequency is stable and that’s why it is also used in the world of electronic where we can see that quartz watches are very accurate.

Quartz in its original form has various components that give different hue and color. Energetically this translates into different wavelengths; this gives us the opportunity to work a wider range of energies within the body.

When in contact with skin quartz give up their energy, so we can fix certain waves of frequencies that harm us. When removed from the skin they recover their function and collect solar energy again without having to place them directly in the sunlight, and only by being exposed to regular daylight.

The crystal healing has had a rapid change with the appearance of units made ​​with crystals and precious stones, with increasing efficiency, thanks to the research of the Kardem Institute that is at the forefront of alternative medicines.

We can integrate into our lives this therapeutic medical resource, highly effective in maintaining health and as an adjunct in the treatment of diseases.

The laws governing crystals symmetry classifies them within 7 systems, according to the number of faces or facets. For quartz, this is a natural conductor of electromagnetic energy flowing freely through its structure. This energy can be stimulated by the heat of our body, sunlight, contact with other crystals and metals.

When quartz is rubbed becomes electrified and retains the charge about 1 hour, that’s why is said that stores energy.

This is an example of the units made ​​with crystals and activated with high voltage electromagnetic fields.

How Can We Use These Units?

The units from Quantum Integrative Medicine are very effective to balance energy at the DNA level in our glands, organs and systems, therefore they can be used in many ways. One of them is to balance the chakras and as a result, bring our emotions under control, helping with fears, resentment, anger, sadness, anxiety, panic attacks, depression and many other emotions.

In addition to that they can help pregnant women to have a stress-free pregnancy. They can also be used with people that are undergoing any treatment from allopathic medicine, like cancer patients, to help them manage stress during stressful times.